I Am
Septembert 9, 2016
God does not bless us, He is our blessing. He is our health and prosperity. Everything that we need, He is. This is the revelation of His name that He gave to Moses when he said who shall I say has sent me?
“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14 KJV
The Lord God revealed Himself to Moses and to Israel as the great I Am. His revelation is that He is ever present and always available at the time of our need. He I Am your healer, I Am your provider, I Am your deliverer. I Am everything that you need. He is everything that we need all the time. He is the ever present one. He is not I Was or I Will Be but the ever present I Am.
How much more in the New Covenant in that He is not only for us and with us but also He dwells within us. The Prophet Ezekiel records the Holy Spirit, the Glory of God reluctantly leaving the temple because of the enormity of Judah's sin. But in the New Covenant Jesus said that He would never, no not ever, leave us or forsake us.
Abraham's blessing is ours but we have a better portion that Abraham did because we have the fullness of the earnest of our inheritance. Abraham only had the promise but we have the reality, our sins are totally forgiven and erased. Abraham only could look forward to that. We have the indwelling presence of God in our spirit, the blessing. Life is all about His presence in us and for us. Become absorbed in His presence in us is our healing, our deliverance, our prosperity. Glory!
Put off the old way of thinking because the new has come. Christ in you the hope of Glory.