Never Changing God

November 14, 2017


        “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

‭‭Malachi‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        God does not change.  That means that He is always ready to heal us, prosper us, bless us, protect us but we receive all of this by faith. The enemy tries to convince us that God really does not love us and He has not provided everything that we need. God's provision is not a barely get along amount but a more than enough amount.  God will bless us as much as He can but sometimes our blessings are held up by our lack of faith in His word.  We are not staunchly holding on to His promises and expecting them to be fulfilled in our lives.  Satan tries to tell us that we are just too unworthy to receive from God.  Our faith is not in ourselves but in our savior. 

        If we are speaking words of doubt and unbelief then we will hinder God's blessings even though He wants to bless.  If we do not see the blessing we need to look to see where we need to change because God does not change and if the blessings are not coming then something needs to change. If we will pray and ask God He will show us what the hinderence is. God told the children of Jacob that if He, God, did change,, they would be destroyed. He was honoring His covenant with them.  We have a better covenant based on better promises.  We can be secure that we will not be consumed  because God does not change.

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