Speak God's Blessings
“"Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, 'Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.' So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them."”
Numbers 6:23-27 NASB
Israel was blessed by God because they were in a covenant relationship with Him through their father Abraham. But the priest had to speak the blessing out in order for it to be activated in their lives.
Today we are blessed with greater blessings than the children of Israel because we have a better covenant. Still our blessings must be spoken in faith for them to be active in our lives.
You might ask, "Do I need to speak them our all the time?" Do you want to walk in them all the time? When Jerry Savelle spoke out the favor of God all the time He walked in it all the time. When he got too busy and slacked off saying, the blessing of God's favor lessened. There is a direct connection between speaking out God's blessing and walking in it. We are blessed of God all the time so we are not trying to change God or to worm a blessing out of Him we are just activating what is already ours.
Woe be unto us if we speak negatively instead of positively. Negativity is contrary to the blessings and it opens the door to the enemy to come into our lives and steal, kill and destroy.
Speak the blessings of God all the time so that you will walk in them. When you start your faith will not be strong but if you keep saying them as your faith grows so will the manifestation of the blessing.
God's favor is on me. God's favor is with me, God's favor goes before me and opens doors that no one can shut. God's favor changes rules, regulations and even government policies to bring about my miracle as is necessary. God's favor surrounds me as with a shield.