Loving Much, Worshipping Much

 July 4, 2017


      “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        So many of us are like Simon, the Pharisee in this event who treated Jesus as common.  Jesus points out that Simon did not demonstrate much love towards the Lord.  He thought of himself as not needing forgiveness and so was not grateful for the gift of forgiveness that Jesus carried.  We today seem to have this attitude that we have lived a moral life and only need a little forgiveness.  This is seen in our attitude of worship.  We are content to sing some songs while standing still or not even singing at all but waiting until the others in the assembly finish.  All humans even the most moral ones are so far from salvation through their own efforts.  Their righteousness is worse than a black hole that sucks everything into it compared to God's righteousness that shines brighter than the brightest star. Our righteousness without God is the most despicable, the most vile and cruel, and God's is pure, clean, holy, you cannot even compare them. 

        Salvation is God in Jesus taking our repulsive, offensive nature and deeds upon Himself and dying under the full penalty, rising victoriously over sin, sickness and the grave and giving all who believe in Him, His glorious nature.  No matter how moral one is, one cannot even be considered comparable to God's  pure nature and character.  When we realize how far gone we were, how much a sinner we were and yet God, in Christ forgave us.  When we believe that we will respond with deep heartfelt worship. Do not try harder to worship but in stead look at the Gospels, meditate on them especially the passion of Christ until you see that it was your just due to be on that cross.  The sins that Jesus bore twisted and warped His being until He did not even look like a man anymore besides the physical punishment that He took in your place. All of that was justly due you. Then the Father turned His back on Jesus because He could not look at sin.

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