The Power of Love
Do we really believe in the power of God's love to change us and others? God is love. His very character is love and that is the basis of His justice. His righteousness means that He is pure love and always desiring to bless His creation when we will allow Him. We must believe in His love for us and that His love for us stands behind every promise that He has made to us in His word. He wants us to believe in that love. We are a love creation of a loving God. There is no selfishness within Him. His love is always giving for our benefit. John 3:16 says that He so loved that He gave. Our receiving His love transforms us into that same love. We are of Him and as Jesus is so are we in this world. Jesus is the perfect representation of the Father, He is perfect love. Our love, as new creations, is not something that we must conjure up but we need to recognize that is who we are, who he has made us. As we feed on the word the Holy Spirit reveals to us who we are and our souls are transformed. We act on what we believe so when we know and believe the love that God has for us and that we are transformed to be just like Him, we will go out of our way to demonstrate that love and to be that blessing. We are no longer seeking to be blessed, we know it. We are looking, searching out opportunities to be a blessing. White the help of the Holy Spirit we wil have ample opportunities to be a blessing and not look for any credit for doing it.