God, Our Reward
October 26, 2022
God is our inheritance. Money is a tool to allow us to accomplish God’s will on the earth. As we seek to do God’s will, God will more than amply take care of us. Our focus is on doing God’s will not on accumulating material goods on the earth. God has blessed us materially but the greater blessing is in the giving to be a blessing to others, even those who do know God. We are to live our witness before people so that they will see that our God is good. If in the process we gain great wealth, our focus is still the propagation of the gospel. A strong temptation with money is to shift our focus to the money rather than God. We serve the God who created it all, why focus on a few riches.
The lie that Adam and Eve believed in the Garden of Eden was that God really did not love them nor trust them. The enemy brings us that same lie, that God really does not love us nor trust us. So instead of holding fast to the Lord and only the Lord, we hold fast to material things and other things that make us feel secure. God is our security. God is our great reward and He liberally supplies what we need here to function on earth. We are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.
“After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.”
Genesis 15:1 KJV
This was before God changed Abram’s name to Abraham.