
October 28, 2022


Too often we limit salvation to receiving Jesus and being born again. Surely all of our salvation is given to us in the new birth but b=we must work out what we have received from God. Our salvation includes healing, deliverance, protection from the enemy, intimacy with God… Our full salvation is us being made into the likeness of Jesus, walking in the kingdom of God. This because of God’s great love for us. If this is God’s design, then all He is requiring is that we believe Him instead of the enemy. Adam lost His place in creation because he chose to believe the lies of Satan. We must choose to believe our circumstances which are ruled by the god of this world, Satan or believe the word of God. When we believe the word of God we take charge of our circumstances and through God’s power, come into line with God’s original intent. It is by faith that we receive and walk in God’s goodness. It is by grace that we are saved and it is by faith that we enter into this grace that we stand. Do not limit your salvation to going to heaven. It also includes our being transformed in to His likeness and is completed when Jesus returns and we receive a resurrection body like His.

Edgar NorrisComment