August 23, 2022
We were born of the same substance as God so we are His righteousness. We are one with Him in our Spirit. As we renew our minds as to God’s thoughts we become one with Him in our souls. Our bodies will not receive it’s redemption until Jesus bodily returns to the earth. Therefore we must keep our bodies in subjection to our spirit and our soul. If our mind is not renewed to the word of God, it will side in with our bodies to do wrong. If our minds are not renewed to the word of God then we will not be confident in our salvation. Instead we will believe the lies of the enemy and walk in much less than what God has provided for us.
We start out with that God’s word is truth. Anything that contradicts God’s word is a lie. But we must study the word of God to rightly divide the word. The Holy Spirit is our teacher who will guide us into all truth. If we believe the word of God incorrectly, we are believing a lie and we will not receive the benefit of the truth that is revealed. God’s desire is that we know that the truth and be set free from the power of the enemy. Jesus has already set us free but if we do not know this we will walk as prisoners of the darkness.
“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32 KJV