

October 23, 2015


        “"But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You.”  ‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭29:14‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        David was the richest man in Israel up this time.  He was very wealthy. But here is his prayer he acknowledges that God was the source of his prosperiety.  Actually he says that God was the source of all that was good.  This expressed not as a theological point but something that he had exprierenced throughout his life.  As a shepherd boy his family was relatively poor. Then even as he ran for his life from a jealous king, Saul, even though he lived in caves and in the wilderness, he gained in wealth.  As king God's blessings continues to increase his wealth.  The offering that he set aside for the temple of God that his son Solomon would build, was worth billions of dollars.  He demonstrates his humility when he ask, "but who am I and who are myh people..." that is we are not worthy for this great blessing. But David was experiencing the Father heart of God.  

        God has not changed.  When we walk with God we walk in His blessing for us.  He desires to bless us and will bless us as much as He can when we disobey but when we obey He opens the doors of heaven and lavishes His blessings upon us.  Obedience must come from faith and not fear or manipulation.  God desire is that He be able to lavish His blessing upon us.  But as with David we must see it as from God's love for us and not our worthiness and walk in faith in His love towards us.  God is no respecter of persons.  What He did for David, He will do for you.  Study David's life and find out how he lived in integrity and honor and humility.  Yes he missed it later in life but he immediately turned to God and received His forgiveness.  You have a better covenant based on better promises.  You are born again and have the Holy Spirit within you.  You are now God's favorite.  Expect great things from God, the source of all blessings.

Edgar Norris