Resist Sin
“Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” 1 Corinthians 15:34 KJV
“You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;”
Hebrews 12:4 NASB
Sin is a serious business. It was creatd by satan to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus resisted temptation to the point of sweating blood to say no to temptation to go His own way and say yes to the Father. That is the nature of the eternal life within you. Jesus dwells in you to manifest this in you. Sin will destroy you and make you miserable while it does it. God does not want you destroyed, He loves you. Paul says that we are to awake unto righteousness. Righteousness is a gift that the Father bestoyed upon us when we received His righteous nature. Our lifestyle is to come out of this new nature. But the enemy tries his best to convince us that we are still sinners and thus should act as sinners. He convinces us that we just cannot help ourselves so God will have pity upon us and leave us in our sin. But Jesus came to deliver us out of sin and initiated that in us individually when we received wht He did on our behalf resulting in the new birth. Our spirits became the righteousness of God not just posistionally but also in reality. When we understand this by the revelation of the Holy Ghost then we will begin to walk as the righteousness of God and resist sin that trys to destroy us. In our righteousness that God has made us we have an intimacy with the Father and Jesus. God's righteousness is far greater than we can imagine in our souls. The more we come in contact with God the more we are transformes into that righteousness in our souls and the more we reflect the glory of the Father.
Sin is a degredation to any person. The reason people sin then is because they see themselves degredated and worthless already and so they act degredated and worthless. In our righteousness as we behold the Father, we behold His infinite love for us that sees us as pure and of great value. The more we behold Him and His valuation of us the more we see ourselves as pure, by the blood of Jesus, and of great value, created in His image.
How do you successfully resist sin even to the point of shedding of blood? Get and estimation of how much your heavenly Father thinks of you and how much He loves you.