Above Every Name

Octobrer 31, 2015


        “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  ‭Philippians‬ ‭2:5-11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        We see here that Jesus earned His name by being totally submitted to the will of the Father even to taking our sins and dying the horrible death on the cross.  Because of this God exalted Jesus name above all other names in heaven, on earth and under the earth.  Jesus then gave that name to us to use.  When we use that name in faith it is as if Jesus is there speaking.  When we use His name, every knee must bow.  Sickness has a name!  Poverty has a name! Sin has a name! Every one of these and more must bow their knee to the name of Jesus.  We must believe in the authority and power of the name of Jesus and our right to use that name to bring change in our circumstances.  We use the name of Jesus to effectively fight against the wiles of satan.  All the negative that happens to us has its orgins in satan.  Sometimes we open the door by our disobedience but if we will close the door by turning back to God and receive His forgiveness we use the Name to undo what satan has done.  We must honor the Name of Jesus. It is only when we give it the respect due it do we see what it can do for us. The Name of Jesus will do us no good unless we meditate on its value and then use it. 

Edgar Norris