He Came
December 25, 2015
It started thousands of years ago when Adam rebelled against God and disobeyed God's command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even then the provision had already been made in the heart of God and the promise that God would undo the catastrophe that man had done. God spoke and said that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent but the serpent would bruise the heal of the seed. Genesis 3: 15. God planned it out very carefully and four thousand years later a baby was born of a virgin who came to have His heal bruised and in the process to crush the head of the serpent.
We are just to believe and receive the work that the seed accomplished. It all began to come to fulfillment on that morning that the baby Jesus was born. We celebrate it on December 25. Whether this is the actual date does not matter. What matters is that it did happen. The Almighty, Creator God invaded the physical realm that He had created and became a part of Creation in order to redeem His creation from the enemy.
He came not because we deserved it or even asked Him to come but because of His great love wherein He loved us. This most precious gift took thirty three years from birth to completion. This gift is what the human heart has cried out for since Adam sinned, to be restored back to our Creator in right standing and to be set free from that which would destroy us. All because of love of the Father for us, His creation. On the cross Jesus became our sin that in His resurrection we might become His righteousness. It all started with a provision and a promises and then a birth of a helpless baby.
Jesus is the reason for the season. Not just a baby born stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger but one born to die for the sins of the whole world that whoever would believe in Him as the sacrifice for their sins would be saved and transformed by the glory of God to carry the glory of God. Ours is not to try to perform but to allow Him to live through us.