God is a Giver
May 10, 2015
"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."
(Hebrews 11:6 NASB)
God is a giver. God is a rewarder not a taker. God never asks you to give up something without having something greater and better to take its place, this includes relationships as well. So many times we tightly hold to what we have not realizing that if God ask us to give it up it is because we will need the room to receive what He has which is far better. God only has our good in mind even when He asks us to make sacrifices and endure hardships. God's purpose is to increase our capacity to hold greater blessings. We must realize that the greatest treasures are not material blessings but reaching the lives and souls of men and women with the gospel. God is not against material blessing as long as the blessing does not have us and we see it as a tool to further the gospel.
God's greatest gift was His Son, Jesus and that gift enabled us to receive all other gifts. The gift of salvation opened the door for us to receive our full inheritance. We are co-heirs with Christ of the whole universe. God wants our priorities straight where we live to be a blessing by the power of God. Our completeness is in Him so we can live to give into the lives of others and be a blessing. The faith that He requires is faith in His love for us. This pleases Him. When we know how much He loves us then we will boldly come to Him and expect the answer to our prayers not just hope that He has heard and may get around to answering. I know that He loves me and that He is a rewarder as I seek Him.