Honor God


May 26, 2015


          "Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed." (‭1 Samuel‬ ‭2‬:‭30‬ KJV)

          To honor God is to highly esteemed to greatly value God and His word.  It is to treasure God and His word.  To despise God is to treat Him and His word as common, just like any other word that we can just take or leave as suits us.  It is to say that. his word is just one among many words to be considered. To despise God's word is to ignore it thinking that we know better than He does. 

          God says that if we would honor Him, he would honor us. I would rather have the honor of God than all the honor that the world could give me. The reason we do not walk in more honor from God is that we do not honor God by honoring what God has already given us. Do we honor God's presence through our daily praise and thanksgiving?  Do we honor the leading of the Holy Spirit within us?

           We have free access to God's word but do we give it the place it deserves in our lives as the word of the living God? If we are filled with the Spirit do we honor the gift of tongues by using it in prayer for the people around us? 

          As we see that we fall short we should cry out to God for His grace that His power would be manifested in our weaknesses.  He has given us the desire to honor Him and He has given us the one who can perfectly honor the Father.  

           Oh God help us to perfectly honor you in all that we do, think and say!

Edgar Norris