God's blessings are ours
May 9, 2015
All of the natural, material world came out of the spiritual realm. God, who is a spirit spoke it into existence out of nothing, Hebrews 11:3. So everything has its origin in the spirit realm and we bring it into the material realm with our faith.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ," (Ephesians 1:3 NASB)
Everything that we need or could want has already been provided for us through the sacrifice of Christ. So every blessing that we need we have been given access through Jesus but what holds it away from us is the enemy and the lies that he tells and we believe. Satan attacks our faith in every which way he can to keep us from the goodness of our Father. It is not God that is holding it back and it is not God who has to get it to us. God has already provided it but we must receive it by unswerving faith in His goodness and His faithfulness to His word.
We do not receive the blessings that are ours because we lack the faith to receive. Our faith is weak because we do not send time in His word, meditating in it until it gets down into our souls. Romans 10:17 Joshua 1:8
Secondly we do not realize that the word acts like a seed and needs time to grow in the ground, the human heart and while it is growing we must continue to water it and cultivate it, kick out the weeds.
Third with the word firmly mature and in place in our heart we then need to speak to our mountains in authority and command the mountain to move with the faith that our voice has authority. So many times we pray to God about our mountains and then wonder why nothing happens. When God told us to speak to our mountains and believe that they will move just because we have told them to move.
Remember, God's will is blessing and what stands between us and God's will is the mountains put there by satan. We were raised with Jesus and seated with Him far above all of the enemy. He is under our feet and defeated. God calls us to walk in the victory and not the battle.