

June 19, 2015


        The greatest gift that you can receive is the gift of eternal life.  The second greatest gift is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  In the first gift the Holy Spirit comes within to make you a new creation in Him and to make you His temple. This is for our salvation.  The second gift is when the Holy Spirit comes upon you to empower you for the ministry that He has for you.  The evidence of the Spirit dwelling on you is the gift of speaking in tongues.  The gift of tongues is a gift to be used daily to edify yourself, to get answers to prayers that you are not even sure how to ask, to pray through problems and get God's wisdom for situations.  When you pray in tongues you are speaking words that the Holy Spirit gives you so you are working shoulder to shoulder with the awesome creator of the universe.  As you pray in the spirit you edify yourself.

        "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, "(‭Jude‬ ‭1‬:‭20‬ KJV)

        When we pray in the spirit in the spirit Paul tells in 1 Corinthians 14 that we should pray that we might interpret. We interpret as the Holy Spirit wills and our understanding in edified.  Paul says that when we pray in the spirit we are speaking mysteries unto God.  These are mysteries not to God to us and when we get the interpretation the msyteries are revealed to our understanding.  

        We must honor the gift of tongues and prize it as a love gift from our loving heavenly Father. He gave it to us to be a blessing to us as we use it daily to walk on a higher spiritual level than we can walk without it, but only if we use it.  As we make a habit of praying in tongues we will get to the place that we get lost in the spirit and more aware of God than the world and our flesh.  Faith is action.  If you believe this is God's love gift to you then use it for the purpose He gave it to you for.

Edgar Norris