God's Business


June 21, 2015


        "Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work." (‭John‬ ‭4‬:‭34‬ NASB)

        Our only purpose and reason for being on planet earth is to do the will of the Father.  The Father's will is that none be lost but that all come to the knowledge of salvation.  Satan gets us to focus on our occupation or our family or making money or just having fun as our main purpose and goal in life.  There is nothing wrong with these pursuits as long as they are not the main pursuit in our lives.  All of these other pursuits are temporary, even family if the rest of the members are not saved.  

        Jesus had a purpose and calling to come to earth, demonstrate what it was like to walk like a man empowered by God and then die for our sins that we might be saved.  Our calling is to pick up where Jesus left off and the arms, legs and voice of God proclaiming this good news of salvation offered to all and demonstrating the goodness of God.  This takes many forms as doctors, as business people, as engineers, as preachers, as housewifes.

        If you make God's concern your buisness then He will make your concerns His business.  

Edgar Norris