Resist the Devil
June 4, 2015
"But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:6-7 KJV)
Satan and the world say that you are worthless, a piece of trash, of little or no value. People commit sin because they feel unloved and hurting. Satan tempts us and then condemns us when we fall into the sin after he has done everything to lure us into the sin. He tells us that we are failures, unloved and unloveable by God.
James tells us we are to submit to God, that is we are to believe what God says about us and not the devil. God says that we are His beloved, His special treasure and the apple of His eye even when we do wrong. It is based on what Jesus did. God says that He made us the righteousness of God in Christ, He has made us His holiness. To humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God is to believe what He says over what satan and the world says about us.
When we try to overcome our situation by our own efforts we are walking in pride and God resist our efforts. But if we will look to God, God gives us the grace that we need to walk in tthe place that God has created for us. As we look to God for our help, He will give more grace but we still must resist the devil. We miust resis the thoughts that the devil puts in our head about how worthless, how insignificant and unloveables we are to God. We then choose to believe how much God loves us because God says so in HIs word. We believe that God is for us and He made us the crown of His creation not a piece of common trash to be trampled on.
As we resist the devil, James says that the devil will flee from us and the Greek means to flee as in stark terror. Satan is treeified of us as we stand on the Word of God and choose to believe what God has said as opposed to what the devil has said.