Seeking Above
July 18, 2015
"“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:1-2 KJV
We are to walk by faith and yet if we focus on our faith we become discouraged. We think that our faith is not large enough to handle our situation. Here Paul says not to look at our situation but to look at the provision that God has made in Christ for us. The question is not how big is our faith but how big is our God and how willing to move on our behalf. Jesus told us that if we would ask from God we would receive. If we being evil know how to give good gifts to our children then how much more shall not our heavenly Father give good things to those who ask. Matthew 7:7f. God's resources are not even dented by our greatest need. He is the El-Shaddai, the God who is more than enough. His willingness to bless us is seen in sending Jesus to the cross for our sins. If God withholds whatever prayer request whether it be healing or provision or deliverance then He loves those things more than He loves Jesus because He freely gave Jesus for us.
So our focus is on our total victory and provision in Christ not on the size of our problems. Our problems tend to grab our attention and hold us hostage to the things of the earth, our inevitable defeat. We have to grab ourselves by the back of our necks and purposefully turn our attention to Jesus. This is not necessarily easy but we take the word of promise and choose to focus on that and through that word we choose to focus on the resurrected, seated, glorified Chirst seated at the right hand of all authority in heaven, on the earth and under the earth. We are seated with Him in the place of victory and full provision.
So what are you looking at? How big your porblem is and the impossibility of an answer? or How big your God is? and How He has freely demonstrated His desire to help you?