July 27, 2015
"But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” Matthew 23:11-12 NASB
Jesus said that the way up is down. As we humble ourselves and stay humble, God will exalt us. Humility is first of all taking what God has said over what I think and over what anyone else says even experts. To do this we must know the word of God by the Spirit of God.
Second to be humble is to esteem others as better than ourselves. As we are in Christ we are all equal by the blood of the Lamb. No matter how talented or gifted you are your gifts and talents are gifts from your heavenly Father and since we receive everything from Him then we are not to boast of one against another. We did not merit any of what we have. It is all a gift as God wills. As we see in this passage from Matthew, Jesus is calling us to servant leadership and not just in the church but in all life. Jesus came as a servant leader to the whole world even though He is God in the flesh. He humbled Himself to redeem us and as an example to us as to how we are to walk.
Humility is the path of the kingdom. Humility is looking to God for all our needs and it is reflecting His love to all those around us even the unworthy. We were unworthy when Christ humbled Himself to become a man and then die on the cross for our sins. Our problem usually is that we are not willing to accept the verdict that we were that unworthy. If we do not see ourselves correctly then we cannot know the depth of the love our Father poured out in Christ to redeem us. We were made to reflect the love of the Father. The degree that we understand His love for us is the degree we will reflect it to others.
We are worthy only by the blood of Jesus but by that blood we are one hundred percent worthy. When you understand this you will be humbled by His great love for you.