Working out Our Salvation
Our salvation, our holiness (sanctification), our righteousness is not just posistional. In the Old Covenant the saints had a posistional salvation, holiness and righteousness. It was still based on their faith in God but they were still in their sins. In the new birth we are made holy and righteous. Our sins are fully forgiven, never to be remembered anymore. Jesus paid the full price, redeemed us, so that we could be born again. Our holiness and righteousness does not depend upon keeping written laws but upon a holy and righteous life that was imparted to us. This is an indestructible life! This is God's eternal life!
So our salvation here on the earth and our entrance into heaven does not depend upon how we live but on how Jesus lived. He lived in full obedience to the Father and that is the life that He imparted to us and is available to all of us if we will just receive it. Our behavior comes out of our salvation. The more we know by revelation knowledge about our the work of Jesus in us in the new birth the more we will walk in His holiness and righteousness. We are not trying to become holy and righteous. We are discovering who we are and responding to who God has made us. As we believe that we have been made eternally holy and righteous we act on in by coming into the presence of the Father and communing with Him. This is the source of the abundant life. If we do not spend time daily with our Father then the enemy, the deceiver will easily convince us that we are not worthy to receive the rich blessings of the Father. We then try to replace our wholeness with the Father with a substitute which is a sin.
Our salvation is already fully within us. As we spend time in God's word and in prayer the Holy Spirit will reveal to us the reality of who we are then we walk it out.
“So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”
Philippians 2:12-13 NASB
Our obedience is the obedience of who we are in Christ and our obedience of the leading of the Holy Spirit.