
 January 29, 2016


        “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:”  ‭Romans‬ ‭3:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Righteousness means that we have absolute right standing before our Father.  This standing is in His full complete favor and goodness.  This righteousness is by faith.  It will not work any other way.  We have an imperfect faith so that we access our righteousness imperfectly.  As we meditate on this and other scriptures until we become absolutely convinced of our perfect standing before our Father.  This standing is based on what Jesus did and not what we do.  The more we understand and know our righteousness the more we walk in His presence and His full provision for every area of our lives. 

        This righteousness provides us with the perfect fellowship with our Father.  The more we have fellowship with our Father, the more we want to do what pleases Him. 

        This righteousness means that all our our sins have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus. We must see ourselves as the righteousness of God, in perfect harmony with Him in every facet of our lives.  He became our sin that we might become His righteousness.  As we are in Christ Jesus, this righteousness does not change.  We are aware of His presence whether we feel it or not.  We are aware of His provision whether we feel it or not.  We are aware of His healing whether we feel it or not.  Without an established conviction of our righteousness in Him then we go by feelings and circumstances and are tossed around like the waves of the sea. 

Edgar Norris