Expecting a Great Year
The greatest year of your life is ahead of you. Why? because of Emmanuel, The Christ who was called "God with us". ~Joseph was a success first as a slave, then as a prisoner and finally as the second in command of the most powerful nation at that time, why? God was with him. ~Moses succeeded in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt because God was with him. Moses recognized this and in Exodus 33 God says that He would not go with Israel into the land because of their rebellious nature. Moses puts his foot down and tells God we will not move if you do not go with us. ~David was the most successful military tactician of his day and one of the most successful in history, because God was with him.
Our success in life does not rest on our smarts, our ability, our breaks but because God is with us. Jesus said that He would sent the Holy Spirit to us who would never leave us or forsake us. We not only have God with us but He is in us, we are His temple that He created at the new birth.
Expect great things this year as you work not in your own strength but according to the power that is within you. Learn to live according to His grace to you. We do not live to do our own thing and then ask God to bless us but we find out God's path for us and do it and it will be already blessed. God's presence never leaves us like He had to do in the Old Covenant but there is a place called "there" where God has prepared a blessing for us.
As we walk in the path that God has set before us His blessings will run us down and overcome us. When we take a misstep, God is still with us and if we will turn to Him, He will show us how to get back onto His path of blessings.
Expect the most exciting year as you keep in the forefront of your mind and walk with Him daily.