I saw a movie where a noted brain surgeon was vacationing in a country run by a dictator. The dictator was very oppressive and hated by all of the people. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor like the surgeon had successfully operated on before, though it was an extremely difficult operation. The dictator retained the surgeon by force and made him do the operation which he did and was successful. But he did not just do the operation immediately after his examination of the dictator. Even though he had successfully done the operation before, he read and studied about every aspect of the operation. He then put a team of assistants together and practiced and practiced.
He prepared for success. He did not assume that though he had successfully operated on this type of brain tumor before, that he was prepared to operate again without preparation.
Many times when we are faced with a prayer need in our own lives or in the lives of others, we immediately jump up and pray. We then struggle to try to believe we have the answer, but we do not have it. Hebrews 4 says that faith rests in the answer. Then we come up with the inerrant belief that God sometimes says yes, sometimes says no, and sometimes says maybe. But prayers based on the word of God will always be yes!
But like the surgeon we must prepare before we pray by meditating on the promises that promise us what we are asking for. As we meditate on God's word it builds faith in us to receive our answer.
A good lawyer will do the research on his case before he goes to court so he is sure of the laws and other cases that have been ruled on, that pertains to his case. He prepares and so should we if we want to be sure of our success in prayer.