Passing to the Next Generation
“And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Lord, that he had done for Israel.”
Joshua 24:31 KJV
“And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”
Judges 2:10 KJV
We are not to just know about God, we are to know God. Because Israel did not pass "knowing God" as a living reality but just some stories, the next generation was seduced by the people around them and the gods that they served. In our world, revivals or moves of God are rarely passed down to the next generation. One generation removed from a revival live on the eye witness accounts ov their fathers who experienced the miracles of God but they never experience the miracles themselves. And the generation after them see the stories as either fairy tales or a distant past that they hear about and long for but do not know how to get there.
We are to pass our living faith on to our children not so they will live exclusively on our experiences being told but so that they come to know the living God for themselves and experience His miracle working power in their own lives. As we live God as real in own lives our children see and connect with God. When we lose the fervor, the fire in our own hearts by being distracted by the world or taking offense or some other trap of Satan, then our children begin to think that God is not necessarily real.
Walking in God's miracle realm should be our normal life style. Showing forth His glory should our way of living, our only reason to live. We are responsible to pass knowing God knowing God's goodness and graces, to the next generation.