God's Blessings

April 23, 2016


        Christianity is much more than our commitment to God, it is His recreation of our spirit man in His image and His likeness.  This beautiful and wonderful occurance happens when we receive what He has done for us in Christ Jesus.  It is such a perfect work that we not only are made new but our spirit, the real us, becomes His temple in which He is pleased to dwell.  Once our spirit is born again, God starts to work on our soul. By His power He transforms us by His love revealed to us.  The more that we know of His love, the more we are transformed.  This transformation occurs in conjunction with His word.  Our part is to spend time in His word and to ask for enlightenment.  The enlightenment creates faith to receive the truth.

        “So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."”

‭‭John‬ ‭8:31-32‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        In this work God is in the process of separating us from those things that would destroy us.  In the book of Leviticus God gave the Israelites the rules of life and it was all based on loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Holiness is separation from all that destroys us and a separation unto God's blessings. 

        The Law cannot deliver us from our sins it can only highlight them and condemn us for our unrighteousness, but in the new birth we are given God's nature which has been tested and found true to the law.  The law is a picture of God's nature, By that nature in us, we are able to keep the law by following the leading of God within us which is by His Spirit.  Because of His nature within us we then stand in the place to receive all the blessings of our Father, just as Jesus did. 

        It is then not by our works that we are blessed.  It by who we are.  Who we are then produces our works.  Our salvation is not by our works but by Jesus' finished work alone.

Edgar Norris