Perfect Priest, Perfect Sacrifice

April 24, 2016


      Leviticus 21 and 22 deal with the perfection and holiness of the priest offering the sacrifice and the perfection and holiness of the sacrifice.  Too often we see this and think that it is talking about our need to be perfect. But it is not talking about us but about our sacrifice that we need.

      Jesus is our high priest offering the sacrifice on our behalf. He is the absolutely perfect high priest. He totally qualifies for us before the Father to offer the sacrifice.

      The sacrificial animal also had to be perfect. Jesus also is the sacrifice. He is perfect in every way to be the sacrificial lamb.

      If we look at ourselves we will see our imperfections but if stay focused on our perfect high priest and on the perfect sacrifice of Himself then we will walk in the gift of righteousness before our Father.

We know that the high priest, Jesus, and the sacrifice, Jesus, was accepted.

        “Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;"  John‬ ‭16:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Jesus is speaking of after His sacrifice when He became our sin.  Jesus was the perfect sacrifice without a spot of blemish on Him physically.  He was perfect morally and perfect in character.  Where we come shortin so many ways, He was and is the prefect sacrifice and therefore totally acceptable to the Father.  His sacrifice was not for Himself but for us, to reconcile us to the Father. Jesus' holiness then is our holiness. Jesus' righteousness then is now our righteousness.  These were given to us in the new birth where we actually partook of His new, resurrection life. Stop trying to make yourself holy and righteous and accept His holiness and righteousness in praise and thanksgiving.

        “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:”. ‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:30‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Edgar Norris