God's Power with Us
May 18, 2016
It is most important is to know that God's presence is with us no matter what happens. God is in us by His Holy Spirit to work us to His glory and our good. Too often we walk by our feelings. When we feel God is with us we rejoice and have a positive attitude. If we feel abandoned we feel depressed and destitute. But we are not to walk by our feelings but by faith.
“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV
We have to cultivate a belief in the word of God, that what God says is true regardless of circumstances, situations and feelings. Circumstances, situations and feelings are subject to change where as the word of God is eternal and not subject to change. When we believe the word of God and act like it is real then the word of God will manifest and our feelings, situations and circumstances will come in line with the word of God. The word of God says that God is with us and that we are the temple of the living God. It says that He will be with us forever and never leave us. As we study the scriptures we find out that it is God's presence with us that causes us to prosper and succeed. Moses refused to lead the children of Isreal without the presence of God, Exodus 33. Joseph prospered in all that He did as a slave then as a prisoner and finally as the second in command of the most powerful country on the earth in his day. We have a greater manifestation because we have the presence of God in us not just with us. Practicing the presence of God then keeps us in faith through praise and thanksgiving.