God's Blessings

May 3, 2016


        God's love for mankind was great that instead of destroying mankind when they sinned, He had a plan for salvation.  He wanted to be close to His people that He created a way to dwell in their midst.  David learned that God's presence was His blessing.  When two men died because King David improperly carried the ark of the covenant bringing it to Jerusalem, David was angry at God and left the ark at Obed-Edom's house for three months, God blessed Obed-Edom.  There is no good outside of God.  God's presence is our blessing.  In the Old Covenant God could only dwell in a tent and people could not really get to know Him.  Men were unrighteous and looking forward to a redemption that would make them truly righteous.  In the Old Covenant Abraham and the others that believed God had a righteousness put on their account, that is God counted them righteous eventhough they were not righteous in their nature.  In the New Covenant all that believe in the work of Jesus are made righteous by the new birth where God makes us righteous new creations.  Because we are now righteous God we are now also the temple of God.  God dwells within us.  Many believers still see God as sitting on His throne in heaven.  They make statements like we must storm the gates of heaven to get answers to our prayers. But the God of creation dwells within us and He has already made every provision for our full restoration to His full blessing. 

        When we stop trying to get God to bless us and stand firm in our faith that He has already, irrevocably blessed us and the only thing that can keep us from receiving it is to refuse to believe and receive it.  When we believe in the covenant that we have with God through our Lord Jesus Christ then we will be as sure as Abraham was of God's blessing him.  God was only with him and he was tremendously blessed because he believed God.  God is in us, do we believe that.  We have a greater blessing because not only do we receive all that Abraham received but God has given us His righteousness and He dwells in us.  God made you worthy, receive and expect His blessings in every area of life.

Edgar Norris