God's Sovereignty

 June 30, 2016


      If God is sovereign  by the definition that some use, that He has absolute power, which He has. And He is in total control of everything that happens on the earth then can He be limited? But scriptures say that Israel limited God. They would not go in to the promise land when God told them .

      “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭78:41‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      How does this fit with an all powerful God? God has called us to work together with Him. He has limited His activity on earth so as to involve men and women.  He has set the boundries to that He can do nothing without us here.  So when we do not believe Him and disobey we will limit what He can do.  The children limited God by not believing Him that He had already given them the land of Canaan and so they did not go in and posses it. God waited for the next generation and they entered and conquered the land. 

        God has provided healing for us but if we do not believe Him and take it then we will not walk in healing.  We will then blame God as to why we are not healed.  We must believe that it is a finished work by Jesus on the cross.  The same with all the blessings of salvation.  Our righteousness is a finished work but we walk in it by faith and then we see the fruit. 

        By God's sovereignty we are assured that all of God's provisions are yes and amen and we demonstrate our faith by acting like it is already ours without seeing the manifestation and we will see the manifestation. 

        Are you limiting God by your fears? The cure, feed on the word of God until it becomes more real than your circumstances.

Edgar Norris