Fishers of Men
“And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19 KJV
Jesus called us all to be fishers of men. Any good fisherman knows that you have to have the right equipment and bait to catch the fish that you want. The first thing is to show yourself friendly in genuine love for the people. People will respond to genuine love where an artificial love tha is put on they will see very quickly. It is the love of God that constrains us, as Paul says. One died for all then all have died. The heart of our Father God is to reach those who have never received the simple gospel. As we spend time in prayer the Father will reveal His heart and what He has for us to do to fulfill the desires of His heart. Our job is not to convince people of a certain Christian philosophy but to introduce them to the living Savior. The more real He is to you the easier it is to introduce Him. When the whole body is busy introducing others to Jesus then we will see a great in gathering. One evangelist said that we are not to go out witnessing unless we are full to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Then we just go slop the Holy Spirit onto the people that we meet.
One of the greatest baits that we have at our disposal is our testimony. A bad testimony, us living like the world can spoil our testimony. But a witness as to what Jesus is doing in our lives today can be a powerful tool. Experience God in the fullness of His goodness and then be quick to tell others what God has done for you. Tell the truth, do not exaggerate.