Kingdom of God
Jesus taught us to pray that God's kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. The Jews were looking for an external kingdom that would set up a political reign of God on the earth. They did not understand that there first had to be the kingdom of God set up in their hearts. The kingdom of God is where God reigns. This only then applies to those who are born again where the kingdom of God comes to reign in the hearts of men and women. This kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness. God has made us His righteousness and removed our sins and transgressions from us. This kingdom is a kingdom of peace, which is more than no conflict but of wholeness. Peace means that there is nothing lacking and nothing broken. If you are born again but still looking for peace, Jesus is your peace, and wholeness. Quit looking to something else to make you whole.
The kingdom of God is then also joy, a joy unspeakable and full of glory. This comes from knowing the love that the Father has for you. An unwavering love. An unconditional love. He sees you as you are and He loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for you.
This is the kingdom of God as administered by the Holy Spirit. This is the normal Chirstian life. Because of His righteousness in us we have intimate fellowship with the Father and Jesus. Because of peace we are made whole and because of joy we are optimistic about our life and we are full of joy which is and excellent medicine. 1 Peter 1:9 says that rejoicing with the joy unspeakable and full of glory is what brings about the salvation of our soul.
You have the kingdom in you so keep rejoicing and praising God for His great love for you.