
 January 27, 2017


      We little realize the power, importance and influence our righteousness gives us. We are crippled by our sense of sin consciousness that leaves us weak and impotent.  Our righteousness gives us a position of favor with our Father God. There is nothing between us and our Father that would hinder our relationship with Him.  We are masters over all demon forces because we are the righteousness of God in Christ.  We do not have to beg God to heal us.  We need to recognize that as Jesus showed no fear in the face of any sickness, disease, any demons.  We have the same righteousness as Jesus does and we should have no fear of demons, sickness and disease.  We have the same authority that Jesus does. But if we do not know our rights and privileges in Christ and are cowered down by sin consciousnesses that we draw back at the accusations of the enemy and lose any little bit of faith that we may have had.  Without faith we can do nothing against the enemy.  Without faith we can not receive anything that God has already provided for us.  But if we are riddled with sin consciousness our faith will shrivel and die and we will be at the mercy of a merciless enemy.  Our victory of faith comes from believing who we are in Chirst and what we have, His righteousness. When we talk we should talk with the authority of our Father.  This is all because of what Jesus has done on our behalf, not what we have done.

Edgar NorrisComment