Why Are We Here
February 1, 2017
What is life all about? What is our relatively short time on earth amount to? Why are we here? These are the questions that all thinking people ask themselves. What is the meaning of life or we just here for a meaningless ride and then we are gone forever, vanished in the ethosphere? The Bible gives us the only real answer. Our Creator God, our Father, created us as the crown of His creation. He created us to fellowship with Him forever and to enjoy His goodness. He is not a cold, impersonal God but a God of warm intimacy. His love for us in unfathomable towards us.
You put sugar in the gas tank of a car it destroys the engine. Sin in the life of a person will destroy that person and make it so that they cannot function anymore. Sin is of the devil created by him to destroy us because he hates God. God sent Jesus to set us free from sin and the things that destroy us. He came with forgiveness, by hanging on the cross to pay for all our sins.
Life is about walking with the Father here and now and experiencing His goodness all the time. Satan is still out to destroy us so there are still problems here but walking with our Father by the Holy Spirit helps to avoid the snares of the enemy and helps to go through those times of the enemies bombardments. Walking with Him makes us more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. Without God's guidance we are walking blind and are easy prey for the enemy. but God always lead us in triumph and gives is the victory when we look to Him and follow His directions. He is here for us, we are here for Him.