God's Goodness
October 17, 2017
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness there of. As a loving Father He will not withhold any good thing from us whether it be health and healing or prosperity or deliverance from our enemies. He requires that we ask in faith for the provision that we need that we not attribute His blessing to ourselves, our ability or to someone else. We must believe in His great love for us. His goodness is so great that Moses could not look at but the hinder fading parts of His goodness and His glory lest he die. As we intently look to our Father God's delight in meeting our needs, He is faithful to bring it to pass. The Lord abounds in lovingkindness and tender mercies and no one looking to Him will be disappointed or put to shame.
It is when we look to our own self effort or look to someone else that we are disappointed and left lacking. Our God is a great God who left His testimony of His goodness though out the Old Testament and the New Testament. He cannot lie and what He has promised He is longingly desiring to do for us if we will believe His word against all testimonies to the contrary.
If you believe you will see the glory of the Lord. He has already accomplished and provided all that we need through Jesus work on the cross. Through Him we have an abundance for every aspect of life. Establish yourself in His promises and unashamedly bellieve that they are true for you. Act like they are true and you will see the fulfillment.