Praise Life

March 1, 2017


“"He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God."”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭50:23‬ ‭NASB‬‬

        When we make praises to God and thanksgiving our lifestyle we then create a lifestyle of the presence of God.  We cultivate a lifestyle of honor to the Lord our God and whoever honors God, He will honor.  Our lifestyle of praise and thanksgiving also creates in us a positive attitude to those around us and produces health in our bodies.  Our praises and thanksgiving create an atmosphere of miracles and walking in all the promises of God.  When Israel left Egypt they left whining, griping and complaining instead of praise and thanksgiving for the miracles that God had done to free them from the slavery to Egypt.  They continued in this grumbling and complaining for the two years that they walked through the wilderness even though they saw many more miracles on their behalf.  When they came to the land of Caanan, the promised land they refused to go in because their eyes were on themselves and their creature comforts rather than on God's love for them as demonstrated by the miracles they had experienced. Praise opens the door for miracles in your life, griping and complaining shuts the door because you refuse to believe God. 

        As we walk with God then He will show us His salvation.  When we do not walk with Him but gripe and complain and grumble our eyes are shut to His glory that He wants to manifest in our lives.  Live a life of praise and thanksgiving, make a conscious choice.

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