
February 10, 2017


“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

‭‭John‬ ‭17:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        God's word is truth, everything else is a lie.  As we act on the truth we receive the benefits of the truth and the curse of the lie cannot effect us.  To be sanctified is to be set apart in this case unto God. That is we learn more and more how to walk in the ways of life.  The lifestyle of an unbeliever is the lifestyle of self destruction.  It is a lifestyle of selfishness.  God's way is the lifestyle of love, the God kind of love that loves with no strings attached.  God expects His love to transform us but He puts no preconditions to receive His love, we just merely believe it and accept it.  The law of the natural world, the Satan ruled world, is the law of selfishness.  The law of God's kingdom is the law of agape love, the total commitment to see others blessed.  This is the truth that God"s word creates in us that sets us apart.  When we walk in love we walk in God and God in us.  Then we are set apart totally for God and His blessings.

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