Doing The Works of Jesus
March 22, 2017
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
John 14:12 KJV
Jesus did only what He saw His Father doing. The Father freely showed Him all things because Jesus was in right standing with the Father, Jesus is righteous. The only we can do the works of Jesus is if we are in right standing with the Father, that is we are righteous and know it. Jesus said that we would do His works and greater because He was going to the Father. Why? Because He had to go to the Father to complete our redemption by sprinkling His blood before the Father's throne to make it the mercy seat. Jesus' resurrection made us righteous, His blood secures our righteous forever. This righteousness gives us free and open access before the Father like Jesus has.
The fruit of our righteousness then is to hear from the Father and do the works that He gives us too do, as Jesus did. To work the works of righteousness we must know the voice and leading of the Father and be able to distinguish it from all other voices and leadings. God's leading will not contradict His word, the word of God was written by men inspired by the Holy Ghost. They said what He told them to say. So if the word plainly tells us something we should not ask God to contradict what is written, such as do not steal, do not fornicate...etc.