God's Goodness
May 5, 2017
What is the motivation behind all that He does? It is His great love for His creation. All of creation was created for the down of His creation, His man Adam and Eve. God is love and all that He does is an expression of that love, even hell. Hell is a place created by God for Satan and his angels who have rejected God and every one else who reject God and His goodness. When we sin we are in rebellion, our nature before we were born again, and we are really saying that God is not as smart as we are. We are saying that we really do not believe that God loves us that much and that He only has our best interest in mind when He points to something and calls it a sin or when He asks us to do something we really do not want to do. But God is love and His whole view for us is our good and blessing. True blessing is to freely walk in His presence without any fear, no condemnation, no sin or sin consciousness, no shame, no sence of inferiority or failure. This is what we were given by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. His blood shed on the cross purchased all of this for us. All of our natural blessings flow from this oneness with God. The more our mind is renewed to who God has made us in Christ and who He is, a good, loving Father the more we enjoy our salvation and the freer we are from sin. Focus on God's indescribable, unfathomable love for us!