Trained to Act

May 8, 2017


        We must train ourselves to believe God's word. In law words matter.  They must be very specific in order for the meaning to be clearly understood. With the word of God we must understand that God spoke very specifically so that His word would be understood and believed.  When the word of God says that Jesus bore our illnesses and carried our diseases it does not mean maybe, it does not mean for everyone else but not me it means that Jesus bore our illness and carried our disease.  That means me.  When we read that our God shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, it does not mean part of the time or part of the people but to all who believe, the provision is available.  Too many people doubt the word because they do not believe that God is as good as His word says He is.  Or they really do not believe that He can be depended upon to fulfill His word.  They try to stand upon His word but because they have not taken the time to meditate upon His word, when the results do not come immediately they fade away and let go of His promises.  To believe His word is to act on it.  Faith is action . As soon as we understand, we must act on the word. Those who are doers of His word that are blessed.

Edgar NorrisComment