God's Abundance For Us
May 9, 2017
God is a God of abundance. He tells in Psalm 23 that He makes our cup to run over. He is not concerned about waste because He has more than enough. This is the God that we serve, one who is more than enough to meet our every need without even putting a dent in the resources of heaven. He has created everything so He has no lack in any area. God's supply is not lacking.
God freely sent Jesus to the cross to die in our place, and Jesus went voluntarily. If God freely gave up His only begotten Son on our behalf, to bear all of our punishment then why do we think that He will withhold any good thing from us. We know that having our physical needs met is good! We know that healing is good! We know that having more than enough is good! We know that deliverance from our enemies is good! He withholds no good thing from us. When we know this and are looking expectantly to our Father, He will come through every time. There are times when we must make minor adjustments in order for God to answer our prayer. When God has been dealing with us on something we must submit to Him in obedience to receive His provision. Sometimes we are in doubt and unbelief and thus cannot receive. But if we will ask for wisdom as to why we have not received and what we must change, God will tell us. When the answer does not come something must change and God does not change, i.e. he is on tiptoe with expectation and excitement to be able to bless us.
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
Romans 8:31-32 KJV