Bread of Life

 May 10, 2017


        “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”

‭‭John‬ ‭6:35‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Every human need is met in Jesus, He is the way, the path to the Father from whom we receive everything that we need.  When we seek to fill our needs with something other than God we fail.  All of our hurts and pains find their healing in Jesus.  Our need to be accepted is in Jesus where we are accepted in the beloved.  Our significance is in that Jesus has made us a son of the Most High God.  As a beloved son, because we are in the beloved Son, Jesus, God wants to lavish us with His blessings and favor.  But we are not to be just in the receiving end but we are to seek to be a blessing to others who do not necessarily deserve to be blessed by us.  We are to experience what Jesus said, that we would never hunger or thirst if we come to Him but we are also suppose to tell all that we meet of this wonderful truth that we experience.  Partake of the bread of Life freely but also freely give it to others, living bread to dying people.  Come and eat of His bread and drink of His cup until you are satisfied.  We come together on Sunday to feed upon His presence with us, not to have a religious service but to partake of Him.  Only He can satisfy.  Only He can heal our wounded souls.  Only His presence, His glory can transform us into His image.  His presence is so precious to me, what about you?

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