Our Feet

June 20, 2017


        “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;” Ephesians‬ ‭6:15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

          There are two considerations here first is that we have been raised up with Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places far above the enemy. The armor is armor for prayer so we first need to recognize that we are to pray from a place of victory not even from a place of struggle or battle.  Our victory is secure and our enemy has been put under our feet which is a sign of total victory. So in our prayers we have an attitude of total victory, our enemy must bow his knee to the name of Jesus which we have been given the right to us.

        Secondly our feet are where we come in contact with the world.  We have peace because our enemy has been defeated. We have been given the task of taking the good news of salvation to the world.  To do this we must have contact with the world. We are to be prepared to clearly share the good news and how someone can receive that good news with the world.  Also when we come in contact with the world we can become contaminated. In the natural in Jesus' and Paul's day they would walk the dirty streets and roads with sandels on their feet so their feet would become dirty. Upon visiting a friends home it was customary to offer them a place to wash their feet.  So John 13 Jesus washed the feet of the disciples.  Peter first objected and when told by Jesus if Jesus did not wash his feet he would have no part in Him,  Peter then asked Jesus to wash all of him.  Jesus said that only his feet needed washing.  We are to keep ourself unstained by the world by the washing of the water of the word. We are to maintain a good testimony of what the Lord has done and show forth the fruit of our walk. Peace in Hebrew means wholeness, nothing lacking, nothing broken.  Our wholeness in the Lord.  Our preparation of the gospel of peace is to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

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