The Fear of the Lord

June 10, 2017


      “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:10‬ ‭KJV

        The fear of the Lord is to honor, reverence and respect the Lord holding Him in highest esteem and of greatest value. When we cultivate this attitude about the Lord we will value His word and treat it like it is the ultimate and true word on what it speaks on.  When we value the Lord we value His word and that is the beginning of wisdom which is understanding how and why we do things or how and why things happen.  This is success in life to know wisdom. God told Joshua that if he would meditate on the word of God he would gain wisdom for success and prosperity. 

        Secondly is knowledge of the holy.  The whole world right now is set up in holiness or profane.  God is holy, that is set apart.  God is not one size fits all but there are special instruments for everything.  We have been set aside for His purposes and when we discover what God has ordained that we do and do that we will be fulfilled. Sin is anti-God. Holiness is to be set apart unto God and His purposes, the purpose for which we were created. 

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