God's Goodness is Yours

June 11, 2017


        “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” ‭Psalms‬ ‭27:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Our only hope is the goodness of the Lord.  We are to experience God's goodness daily and walk in it and proclaim His goodness to all those around us.  The whole world lies in the hands of the evil one but Jesus defeated the evil one and opened the door for the goodness of the Lord to flow to all who will receive.  If we do not believe in His goodness we will limit our reception of that goodness.  He goodness is not just blessing us but changing us so we can be blessed.  When we come into His presence daily to behold His goodness we are changed into that image of the Lord. 

        God wants to be a right here, now God not a theological concept off somewhere in the far reaches of heaven. He is here right now desiring to meet your every need based on the cross of Golgotha. Look for His goodness. Expect His goodness to cover you.

        “Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;”. ‭Psalms‬ ‭103:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        His goodness, His lovingkindness, His tender mercies are the crown that we are to wear for all the world to see. Start praising God for His goodness to you, His loving kindness and tender mercies to you.  The more you praise Him for His goodness, lovingkindness and tender mercies  in the midst of contiridictory circumstances the more you will see them manifest.  Satan's job is to create contiridictory circumstances that deny that God's goodness, lovingkindness and tender mercies exist for you, but he is a liar.  Start praising God for what is yours.

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