“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” Romans 8:19 KJV
“For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed.” ROMANS 8:19 AMP
Who are the sons of God? Paul, a little earlier says that those that are led by the Spirit of God are sons. Our full manifestation will be when we receive our new body but we have an earnest of the Spirit and as we walk in who we are we begin to manifest our sonship. As sons of God we are His righteousness, to walk as a son then is to walk in that righteousness demonstrating our right standing with our Father. Walking in our righteousness means that we demonstrate our superiority over sin. Sin shall not reign over us because we have His righteousness and His grace towards us. We demonstrate all authority over all the other works of the enemy, sickness, disease, poverty, depression, unforgiveness.... We walk in love even towards those who do not love us and try to harm us. Why? Because God has loved us when we were unloveable and not even seeking His forgiveness. Our salvation is God initiated. Manifesting our sonship means that we regularly and frequently spend time with our Father in fellowship through prayer and through His word. The sons of God have dominion over the devil and his crowd. We walk in victory by the power of the Spirit within us that is the Spirit of victory who raised Jesus from the dead. We do not have an orphan spirit but the spirit of a well beloved son, male and female. Boldly walk in your sonship.