
June 13, 2017


      God's greatest gift to mankind is salvation. Not just the passing over past offenses but the recreating of mankind into the full likeness of God.  We could not save ourselves but God did everything necessary for our salvation. We are His workmanship. Salvation is one hundred percent a gift from God.  When we know our lost estate, how defiled and ungodly we were, even the most moral person. When we compare our righteousness with the righteousness of God, all look black and despicable.

        “But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” ‭ROMANS‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭AMP‬‬

        This is why it is called the "Too good to be true, Gospel." In the face of our depravity, God's love overcame our sin and brought us salvation.  He changed our nature from that of rebellion and pride to a nature like His.  God is love, the unselfish love that desires the best of everyone and everything.  This the nature that He gave us in salvation.  This is the nature that was behind our salvation that sent Jesus to the cross to bear our sins and the sin of the world.  Jesus' death, burial and resurrection dealt not only with our acts so sin and rebellion but the spirit of rebellion that man received from Satan in the garden.  Because man had Satan's nature, he belonged to Satan. When you are born again, you receive God's nature and you no longer belong to Satan.  Do not walk in his ways nor receive his commands.  Walk by the Spirit in God's ways and receive His commands.  God not only recreated us in righteousness and holiness but He also gave us His Spirit to empower us to walk upright before Him, not by our own strength but by His strength.  We have been set free! Declare that over yourself all the time.  Colossians 1:13

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