“Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.” 2 Corinthians 1:24 KJV
Paul says here that we stand by faith. If we only stand by faith then it should be important to know what faith is. Faith is confidence in God and confidence in what He has said. Our confidence is not just in a positive affirmation but also in a positive action in accordance with what God has said as true. We are confident in God's redemption of us through Jesus Christ. We are confident that there is no condemnation for us because we are in Christ. We are confident that we were made a new creation in Christ, old things passed away and all things became new. We are confident that we were made the righteousness of God in Christ. Our confidence is in the finished work of Christ and not in our own efforts to please God and be accepted by Him. We are confident of our Fathers love for us as demonstrated by Jesus' passion even when we did not want God or salvation.
This is the faith in which we stand. This is the revelation of the love of our Father God for His creation.