
 July 6, 2017


        “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” ‭Galatians‬ ‭5:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

        Christ has set us free from the yoke of the law, of having to keep the law to be acceptable to God.  Christ took the full penalty for breaking the law and gave to us His record of perfect obedience.  We do not obey to be acceptable to God, we walk in His presence and our obedience comes from our fellowship with Him.  When we partake of God's goodness, and God is the only good in the universe, then we want to turn more towards Him.  Sunflowers will turn their heads to follow the sun from which they receive the life giving sun shine.  As Christians we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ which means we have free access to the Father by the obedience of Jesus and given to us by His blood.  Sin and disobedience come from a lack of faith in His love for us.  If we think that we are pretty much all right on our own, we limit our understanding of God's love for us and we limit our ability to receive of that love. 

        When we move out of fear of retribution from God because we have done wrong and move into freedom in Christ it is not a license to sin but and invitation to walk with the Creator of the universe who loves us unconditionally and unreservedly. Our understanding and acceptance of that love will transform us and it is the only thing that will fill the void in us that causes us to sin. 

        Know your freedom in Christ and act on that freedom by boldly coming into the Father's presence.

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