
 July 7, 2017


        Christianity is a life changing encounter.  It is not just a shift in philosophy but a death to our sinful nature and a new life of righteousness.  Many people think they are Christians because they mentally agree with Christ teachings and believe that He was a good teacher. But He is more than a good moral teacher. Some do not even agree with His moral teachings and yet believe they are Christian. But to be a Christian is to first see that we are sinners in need of a savior. Our sins have offended God and He is the judge of the universe.  He is a righteous and just judge who is morally required to judge sin.  Instead of judging our sin He personally paid the debt in full.  When we receive Him and what He did for us He recreates us and gives us His life which is a life of righteousness.  Our actions then come out of our new life.  We were changed from death to life, from darkness to light, from the temple of demons to the temple of God.  This is not just a pronouncement of an outward clothing but a radical change of our very being.  The more we know who we are the more we will act in accordance with who we are. Our new life gives us access to everything that we need because it gives us unhindered access to the Father, the Creator of the Universe.  Ponder this until it becomes real in your thinking.

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